Starting in Teak Furniture business are not easy way. Several point must be considered so you will get the best price, less complain, less damage goods, best quality product and than it will impact on you maximum profit.
1. Company Profile,
Company that you will import must be settled at least 3 years old and they have good rank in google. Why it important? To get good rank in google is not easy way, they must spend teak furniture much money hire more people to do it. Even it will not 100% guaranteed, it the first things that you must consider.
2. Visit Them
By visit them directly, you can see the situation in “real”. They must have Kiln dry chamber for their work. Impossible to produce high quality product if they dont have it./b
In case you cannot visit them, you can use third party to visit them. the worsh situation if you cannot ask third party, you can ask the picture profile.
3. Price and Quality.
Tipically, in Jepara have 2 (two) grade, grade A and C. Price differences between both grade is about 25%. Try to get prices from several company then you can evaluate them. If you find same level price, so we can make sure if it in same level of quality. If you find price that 25% lower, BUT they mention that the product is grade A, so they try to cheat you. Since last 10 years, company in Jepara develope new treatment so grade C product will be appeared almost same with grade A, we can say 90% looked alike grade A. It use chemical treatment for doing this. It contain HIGH ACID so it may dangerous for SKIN of your customer. BE CAREFULL. Teak Garden Indonesia only produce grade A products.
4. Easy to be Contacted
Placing order in other country sometime annoying because of lack of communication. Please choose company that always connected, by phone, email, or instant messenger.