It is always homeowners’ privilege to decorate their open spaces with outdoor furniture. Its presence is facility for them in having outdoor activities experiences. For instance, they will able to enjoy the breeze of summer in the morning while sipping a cup of coffee thank to their outdoor deep seating. Since then, outdoor furniture is needed in every open space not to mention for the small backyard.
There are many kinds of outdoor furniture materials such as wood, metal, fiber, plastic, or wrought iron. In term of wood furniture material, it can be classified into teak, birch, pine, oak, or eucalyptus. Those are common wood to produce as outdoor or garden furniture at this moment. From the list of wood materials, the most sought one is teak wood.
Teak wood, with its Latin name Tectona Grandis, is native to tropical Asian countries such as Indonesia, Burma, India, and Malaysia. Every teak from each country has each characteristic that generate the same quality. In Indonesia, teak has a long journey started from the Dutch rule in colonial era. At that time, teak was used as material of firewood for steam locomotive water fuel. Since then teak became more famous to produce as bridge and building materials and furniture making. Teak furniture is able to last for decades that is why many of old teak furniture are easily to be found in teak collectors hand or old houses.
Indonesian teak wood has more curvy grain or texture but it has the same quality compared to other teak variant. The rich honey brown colour is still the main reason for furniture lovers to select this wood piece beside its quality. If you have backyard, garden or terraces, then you need to fill them up with teak garden furniture for your linger in outdoor moment.